Medical & Dental Health History Workshops

Presenter: Gabriele Maycher, CEO, GEM Dental Experts Inc.

BSc, PID, dip DH, RDH in BC& AB

A passionate educator with more than 30+ years of clinical experience & diverse business background has revolutionized the way clinicians optimize patient outcomes through contributing positions such as published author, educator, Dental Hygiene Program Director, Quality Assurance Program assessor, content advisor for Oral Health Hygiene magazine, entrepreneur of the year and consultant for forward-thinking dental practices.

Course Description: Collecting a complete medical & dental health history allows the clinician to assess a client’s level of oral and systemic wellness. The health history, in conjunction with the physical exam, provides the foundation for clinical decision making, supporting both the dental and dental hygiene diagnosis. It identifies key risk factors and existing health conditions that may affect dental care requiring treatment modifications before, during, or after care, and influencing clinical outcomes such as healing, predisposition to infection or oral disease progression.

The learning objectives are:

  • Indicate the purpose of a comprehensive medical/dental health history.
  • Evaluate personal information and the impact on patient care.
  • Appraise patient’s compliance on accepting treatment. 
  • Assess when consultation & collaboration with other healthcare professionals is needed.
  • Analyze implications of client health status on all facets of the process of care (ADPIE), especially patient outcomes. 
  • Evaluate the impact predisposing factors (Acquired & Development Conditions) have on diagnosis.
  • Evaluate the impact modifying factors (Risk Factors) have on progression of periodontal disease.
  • Analyze predisposing and modify factors to accurately determine prognosis.

Private workshop for 10 or more attendees can be scheduled any time.

Two – 1/2 Day Workshops:

Target Audience: Designed for the entire team.

Dates: August 29th & September 12th 2025.

Tuition : $447+GST per attendee

Time: 8am-noon (PST) 4 hour Lecture

CE Credits: Total 4 credits.

Location: Live Zoom Webinar both Days

Date Day 1: Comprehensive Oral Exam

Workshop August 29th, 2025

Refund and Cancellation Policies: No refund one week prior.

Date Day 2: Documentation (QAP)

Workshop September 12th, 2025

Refund and Cancellation Policies: No refund one week prior.

Contact Person: Gabriele Maycher

